With every passing year, the kindness, enthusiasm and generosity of the people of Lancaster County amazes us more and more. And this year continues to build upon that tradition. We’re eternally grateful for your trust in us. We’ve received an initial tally of our Smiles for Life Campaign, and the results are stunning. In just […]
Don’t Try a New Years Resolution for Your Teeth

Yes, you read that right. Don’t do it. Why would your dentist advise you to NOT do so? Because less than ten percent of people keep their resolutions. Instead, let’s try something else. A sensible approach to creating good habits. It seems that the reason so many well-intentioned resolutions and other attempts at change […]
We’re So Grateful for Your Trust

Lancaster County is known throughout the world as a charming and wholesome place. For many, the rolling countryside; peppered with old barns over a patchwork of green fields and small towns beckons back to a time where families gathered around the table every night, and where neighbors and strangers alike greeted you with a genuine […]
A Very Special Charity

Did you have your teeth whitened during our Smiles for Life Campaign? If so, thank you! Our Smiles for Life campaign is an annual activity that we conduct for the benefit of local families with children, and for children worldwide. We’ve participated in the campaign since the late 1990’s and thanks to you, we’ve contributed […]
From the bottom of our hearts

Accolades are nice, though we’re not the proud type. We don’t broadcast our achievements for the sake of personal promotion or to proclaim how great we are. When we receive recognition, it’s because we’ve made someone happy. We’ve accomplished a task in our mission of enhancing the quality of our patients’ lives. It’s something that […]
A Pinch for Three

Panicked and reeling in pain, the teenage girl is extracted from the car and whisked away to the helicopter. Calmly poking away at his iPad, the brave little boy has learned to set aside fear and pain while the nurses prepare for his next cancer treatment. Nervously clutching her purse, the middle-aged woman shuffles in […]
How to Make Healthy Summertime Smiles

Summer is a great time for families with kids. Lazy days by the pool. Smores by the fire. Fun adventures that lead to long days. And pictures. Lots and lots of pictures with smiling kids. It’s so nice to have the extra time with them while their young. It’s a good time to recharge; school […]
Good News is Yours for the Making
If you watch the news lately, there’s plenty of trouble to see. Events around the world and here in America can lead one to wonder what kind of world our children will inherit. Yet we all have the power to make a change for the better. And it doesn’t take a great sacrifice. Here in […]
18,000 Smiles and Going Strong

We’re lucky in Lancaster County to live in a culture of hard work and doing right by others. We enjoy friendly neighbors and helpful people in all aspects of our lives. Whether it’s walking into a store, or along a trail while enjoying the beautiful weather; people smile and say hello. We can enjoy delicious […]
If You’re Happy and You Know It…

Show your smile! Wait,,,that’s not how the song goes! But I know you finished the first line, didn’t you? Sure you did; the song was imprinted in our minds as children because it speaks to a natural practice for a good life. When things are good, we should make the effort to keep it that way […]