Some Elizabethtown dentistry patients come in twice-yearly for an examination, cleaning, oral cancer screening, and fluoride treatment. We work with them to maintain their oral health and prevent common dental problems such as cavities and gum disease.
Dental Sealants
3 Dental Dangers For Elizabethtown Toddlers
White Family Dental recommends beginning twice-yearly dental visits around age one or when the first tooth erupts. Our friendly staff helps young patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their exams. Dr. Ed White can advise you on thumb sucking, dental sealants, normal child tooth development, braces, athletic tooth protection or any other pediatric dental issue.
Oral Rinses: An Extra Measure Of Tooth Protection For Lancaster Kids
At White Family Dental, we focus on preventative dentistry including dental sealants. We believe that today’s Pennsylvania children can enjoy healthy teeth for life.
Healthy Smiles For Pennsylvania Kids
During the visit, we can discuss pediatric dental issues such as fluoride treatments, brushing and flossing techniques, orthodontia, and dental sealants.
Beware Of Hidden Sugar
At White Family Dental, we advocate and practice preventative care for lifelong dental health at our family dentistry practice. For more information on how your diet affects your dental health