Hello Leola! When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? If the answer is, ‘Not really,’ then you may want to consider these 5 reasons for people in Leola to make some small improvements or undergo a complete smile re-design.
dental implants Elizabethtown
When Bad Breath Terrifies: 4 Tips

Do you live in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania or nearby? Bad breath isn’t just a problem for careful brushers in Leola, Lancaster or Hershey. Your neighbors in Manheim can spend all day brushing their teeth and still come out with bad breath.
Relax. Your Teeth Will Thank You.

Most Elizabethtown adults have been warned about the physical effects of stress. Our doctors remind us to protect ourselves from the dangers of unmanaged stress by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep.
Wear A Crown In Leola

Some Elizabethtown residents who have a weak or broken tooth may want to research dental crowns as a solution to improve their smile and overall oral health. A crown is really a cap or covering that is tooth-shaped and when it is in place, it will cover the portion of the covered tooth that is above the gum line.
Call Teeth What You Will, Just Keep Them Healthy, Leola

Chompers. Pearly Whites. Dents. Gnashers. Grill. Here in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, we have a lot of fun ways to refer to our teeth. And while you can switch up what you call them, you should never switch up a well-ingrained oral health routine.
Raise Your Dental IQ In Elizabethtown

There are many simple things that the average Elizabethtown resident can do to raise their Dental IQ and improve their oral health. One simple lesson involves bacteria, and everyone’s mouth has a lot of it.